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Global Carrier Billing Summit has consistently connected all the key industry stakeholders in the carrier billing ecosystem, including mobile carriers, aggregators, content providers and digital merchants to share new ideas and build new partnerships.

In 2023 the summit is back in its new iteration "GCB and Mobile Payments Summit", which will analyse the whole mobile payments universe to predict the future of different payment methods, while analysing emerging solutions and monetisation strategies.

Chantal Van de Looverbosch Senior Manager 3rd Party ServicesTelenet

Joined the mobile world in 1996. Before heading the 3rd Party services department I have held several sales roles at different Telco’s. In 2001, I launched the 3rd Party services business unit. Being an expert in B2B2C messaging and Direct Carrier Billing. In 2015, as one of the 1st MNO’s worldwide we launched DCB by connecting OTT brands such as Sony PlayStation, Google & Apple to our DCB platform. I’m a true believer that MNO’s have to fight fraud since value for both the end user and the MNO will only be created if the customer keeps trust in his MNO. I’m passionate about the evolutions and innovations in the mobile ecosystem.
